for business

- all that managers, entrepreneurs and consultants need for conscious management of companies

This ebook is not a typical book that you read from cover to cover. It is a toolkit to be consulted when you need inspiration, when you face a challenge, or want to organize your knowledge related to management, sales, or personal effectiveness.

When a pilot reacts to warning lights or performs routine tasks during a flight, s/he uses checklists. The checklists include specific instructions on how to act in specific situations – the same rule applies to this toolbox: use it as a support to overcome difficulties, for the purpose of fulfilling some routine activities, or even those that you rarely do.

Print it out, use it and tick it off.

Checklist for Business ebook
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Checklists for business

is a toolkit that:

When you are planning a significant activity, reach for a checklist to organize your thoughts or not forget some important context.

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PRICE 160 PLN (more - less 40$)

Who is the toolkit designed for?


who need easy and quick access to knowledge for themselves and their employees


looking for inspiration to improve their clients' processes


who need knowledge pills to act better and quicker, checklists remind them of the most important issues

business trainers

who are looking for inspiration and structured tools to pass on to training participants

Checklist for Business ebook

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and unlock the potential contained in checklists

What do you get with this toolkit:

Checklist for Business ebook

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What tools can be found in this e-book:

checklists for better management

checklists for better management

e.g. building employee engagement, dealing with crisis situations, running effective meetings, creating effective teams, arousing motivation, delegating, giving feedback and many others

checklists for sales

checklists for sales

both strategy-wise and sales-wise, e.g.: creating a sales model, conducting sales talks, argumentation and persuasion techniques

checklists for increasing effectiveness,

checklists for increasing effectiveness,

e.g. goal-setting, organizational and effective work, creativity, public speaking

Case study

If you have a team meeting to run

If you have a team meeting to run

use Pro Meeting Tools checklist. It includes most important issues and tips for running a meeting. With the checklist, you won’t forget the most important things needed to run an effective meeting.

If your company finds itself in a crisis

If your company finds itself in a crisis

look at the checklists related to the development of a company in difficult situations. The checklist offers tips for dealing with areas like sales, marketing, company costs and managing a team in a crisis.

If you want to conduct effective recruitment

If you want to conduct effective recruitment

but you are not a recruiter who conducts dozens of interviews a week, reach for checklists on interviewing and onboarding. You’ll find a description of a step-by-step process for conducting interviews and onboarding of employees.

If you're faced with the challenge of public speaking

If you're faced with the challenge of public speaking

use the Pro Speech Tools checklist. Read the article about it, and then focus on the points from the checklist that you consider essential in your case. It is enough to focus only on some of them.

If you want to assist sales representatives and improve their efficiency and quality of their work

If you want to assist sales representatives and improve their efficiency and quality of their work

use the 8Z checklist. It comes in handy for conducting internal training or providing feedback after a joint field visit.

And these are just 5 out of more than 90 tools you'll find
in the Checklists for Business

Checklist for Business ebook

Benefit from the author's 20 years of experience

160 PLN - ebook

Toolkit reviews


Checklists for Business is more than just a toolkit. This is an encouragement to take a closer look at yourself and the business the reader conducts. It is supported with enormous knowledge available in the attached links. Building team engagement, the ability to motivate, modern leadership, effective sales…are just some of the issues discussed in the book that will help in building and running a healthy organization.


Keeping things tidy isn’t often about cleaning up, but more about not making a mess. Development is not only about learning new things, but also about unlearning unnecessary activities. The strength of a business depends primarily on its growth and running it in a well-organized manner. Checklists for Business are a guarantee that every reader is truly able to learn how not to be messy. The Wright brothers invented flying, but people like Maciej Sasin invented checklists. Thanks to those people pilots and passengers make their dreams come true in the air, and entrepreneurs and managers boldly implement their shared visions.


In a reality that demands too much from our memory and encourages too much automation, checklists are a must for every manager. Maciej was kind enough to collect them in one book 😉 The only thing left for us to follow them


The book effectively organizes and provides tools for managing key processes in the organization. In an easy and accessible manner, it allows you to diagnose the challenges and difficulties in a given area of management or sales. I especially recommend it to entrepreneurs, managers and trainers.


There are many books on personal and business efficiency on the market. However, for the first time I have a toolkit in my hand, which allows me to intuitively reach for tools that support me in my everyday work activities. 190 pages of business „meat”, detailed information that helps me be well prepared, and therefore also professional in the eyes of the client. The author who created the toolkit, „feels” the business and the needs of the people working in it. From the moment I have come into the possession of this book and checked how it works in practice, I started calling it „my personal assistant”. And I know it will be a long-term cooperation. Until the next publication..


Książka powinna znaleźć się nie tyle w biblioteczce, co na biurku każdego przedsiębiorcy. Tak, aby mógł po nią szybko sięgnąć i uniknąć wielu błędów, doświadczenia z których złożyły się na przedstawione w niej listy kontrolne. Bo każdy przedsiębiorca musi być po trochu HR-owcem, sprzedawcą czy osobą umiejącą obsłużyć klienta. No i musi umieć zarządzać ludźmi i firmą tak w dobrych czasach jak i w kryzysie. Obok praktycznych list kontrolnych znajdziecie tu odniesienia do dobrych praktyk i dobrej literatury. To i ważne i przydatne. Bo z jednej strony daje kontekst i powód do zajmowania się opisanymi obszarami. A z drugiej pozwala na pewną refleksję i diagnozę, które pomogą w rozwoju osobistym i biznesowym.


Jeśli jesteś jedną z tych osób, która lubi proste i skuteczne narzędzia usprawniające zarządzanie firmą i własną pracę, to „Checklisty dla biznesu” są dla Ciebie. Nie musisz już czytać dziesiątek książek i popełniać wiele błędów, by odkryć formułę na mądre i skuteczne działanie. Maciej podaje proste i użyteczne narzędzia, które poprowadzą Cię krok po kroku przez wybrane zagadnienia. „Checklisty dla biznesu” szczególnie przydatne będą wtedy, kiedy będziesz musiał szybko przypomnieć sobie kolejność określonych działań, gdy będziesz pod wpływem emocji lub stresu, albo po prostu, będziesz miał/a mało czasu by szukać rozwiązań samodzielnie. Wiele z list zawartych w książce może również służyć jako narzędzie diagnostyczne. Polecam!

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About the author

Maciej Sasin

Consultant for organization development, trainer, coach, the founder of Akademia Rozwoju Kompetencji

I help companies build employee engagement. I specialize in issues related to the development of the organization: building employee engagement, work efficiency in the organization and effective sales models.

For 15 years, I have been building the brand: Akademia Rozwoju Kompetencji, with which we received the title of Poznań Entrepreneurship Leader awarded by Poznań Business Partner in 2017. I am a sociologist and philosopher by education, a graduate of postgraduate studies in Psychology in Management at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. I have participated in over 1000 hours of training in the field of psychology, coaching, management, recruitment and sales.

For six years, I was managing an HR department in a company from the automotive industry, where I was responsible for recruitment, coaching, implementing and training employees in the field of sales techniques, managerial and personal competences. I was also responsible for internal communication in the company.

All rights reserved Maciej Sasin


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